Phone: (623)975-8400

Fax: (623)935-2975

13055 W McDowell Rd, Suite E-106

Avondale, AZ 85392

A message to our patients.


While not all visits are appropriate for telehealth appointments, here are a few examples of appointments that can be seen using telehealth.  Some vitals will be required.  Patients must have been seen within the last year in order to utilize telehealth visits.

ADHD – provided the patient has had regular follow-ups.  Will require a heart rate and weight.
Allergy symptoms – provided you have not had a fever.  Will require a heart rate
Mental health – Depression and anxiety. Will require a heart rate
Contraception management – Continuation only, no new starts
Irregular Periods
Lab Follow up
Pink Eye- provided there are no other symptoms.
Diabetes follow ups – Will require recent blood sugar readings.
Blood pressure follow-ups – Will require weight, heart rate, and blood pressure
Weight Management – Will require weight, heart rate, and blood pressure
High Cholesterol
Screening for COVID- 19 symptoms.  You may be asked to come to the office to be tested or sent to a drive thru testing site if symptoms are suspect.

If you are wanting to be seen for something not on this list, call our office to see if a telehealth visit would be appropriate.

Please note, that antibiotics, pain medications and some chronic care medications will not be prescribed via telehealth visits. 

Parents must be present if the patient is under the age of 18.  This does not apply for contraception or sexual health if the patient is at least 14 years of age.


Some appointments will require vitals to be obtained.  There are several ways you can get your own vitals.  

Weight – An at home scale is sufficient. 
Heart rate – Some smart phones and fitness watches can determine your heart rate.  If you do not have access to these devices, you can place two fingers (not your thumb) on the large vein in your wrist or neck until you can feel your pulse.  Count the number of beats for 15 seconds.  Then multiply this number by 4.
Oxygen level – Again some smart phones and fitness watches can read these for you
Blood pressure – An at home blood pressure cuff is sufficient.  These can be obtained at your local pharmacy.
Temperature – any over the counter thermometer is sufficient.



Most insurance companies are covering telehealth visits.  These visits will be billed to your insurance company just like an in office visit with a telehealth modifier.  Some insurance companies are covering these visits at 100% with little to no patient cost sharing.   Please check with your insurance company to see whether your plan offers telehealth benefits and what your cost sharing might be.  Any deductibles, copays or co-insurance will be billed to you after consideration from the insurance company.  If your insurance company denies or does not cover telehealth benefits, these visits will be offered at our self-pay rate of $89.00.  If after starting the telehealth visit, it is determined your visit cannot be completed and instead will require an in office visit, your insurance company may be billed for a “virtual check in” and an in office appointment will be scheduled.


Once you have called our office to schedule a telehealth visit, we will ask that you call our office 15 minutes prior to your appointment time, in order to provide you with the website information.   Please have your vitals ready before you call the office.  Our front office staff will let the Medical Assistants know that you are checking in.  When you visit the website, you will be directed to choose your virtual waiting room based on the provider you are scheduled with.  Once you have selected your room, you will be asked to enter your name.  This is for identification for the provider.  Please include your first AND last name.  You will then be asked to enable your camera and microphone.  You will not be able to continue with your visit if you do not allow these permissions.   You will then be placed into a virtual waiting room.  Take this time to read over the consent form.   A medical assistant will then check in to collect vitals that you may have taken, verify your medications, and collect pertinent information.  Once finished, you will be placed back into the virtual waiting room until the provider is ready for you.  We will do our best to check in should things run behind.


Please have patience!  This is as new to us as it is to you!  We will do our best to keep things timely and efficient.  If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please let us know.